Wimbledon organisers have issued a swine-flu warning to all Championship staff after a number of personnel were struck by symptoms of the illness, which has been classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.
With more than 40,000 people on the Wimbledon grounds each day fears over an outbreak have prompted the All England Club to consult the Health Protection Agency for advice on controlling its spread.
As yet there are no plans to interrupt play at the Championships but All England Club chief executive Ian Ritchie has written to all staff warning them to stay away from the tournament if they develop flu-like symptoms such as a fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, aches and pains, or a temperature of 38 degrees C.
In a note circulated among all those working at the tournament Ritchie warned: "If you start suffering from these symptoms please do not come to the Championship until recovered and consult your local doctor. If you feel like you are developing flu-like symptoms on site please call the St John Ambulance control."
Ritchie said the outbreak was confined to "a small number" of personnel and that play would proceed as normal.
"Having consulted closely with the Health Protection Agency, we have been reassured that since the incidence is entirely in line with the wider London community there is no particular extra risk to all those connected with the event, be they players, media, staff or spectators, and we are able to continue with the Championships as usual," he said.
Ritchie's warning comes after the Daily Telegraph disclosed that unlike pre-Wimbledon events the All England Club has not taken any specific measures to protect ball boys and girls from potentially catching the virus from players' towels.
LTA wrote to all parents of ball boys and girls at its Edgbaston and Roehampton tournaments warning them of the risks of handling towels and provided an antiseptic hand-gel under the umpire's chair for them to wash their hands.
The All England has not extended the measures to the Championships.
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